Fostering a people-led democracy

Who We Are

The Global Center For Justice and Democracy (GCJD) is a pro-democracy human rights organization with a mission to foster, stand, and fight for justice and democracy around the world, especially in Africa. By championing the rights of individuals who are marginalized in society, we hope to create a world that possesses a true democracy.

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Why We Fight

For years, many African countries have been continuously slipping into a state of extreme dictatorial rule. Various political families and parties have monopolized power through the use of military dictatorship, private armies, and one-party rule. Control and justice are assimilated to the wealthy and powerful. This is not a problem isolated to Africa, it is a problem happening all around the world. When people have lost their confidence in their political systems, it is clear that justice and jurisdiction in their respective country are defined by wealth and power. That is why, we at Global Center For Justice and Democracy are working to reinstate justice for all citizens of these countries, regardless of economic and social status.